Non-contentious procedures


Procedures for homologation of a mandate in anticipation of incapacity, assignment of protective supervision or probate of a will require the intervention of a notary in the preparation of an application to the court. Notaries may act as prosecutors when the application to the Court is not contentious in nature, that is to say when there is no dispute between the parties.

Procedures before a notary, whether for homologation of a mandate in anticipation of incapacity, assignment of protective supervision or probate of a will is simpler and faster than a motion to the court. The Notary shall proceed to the completion of all steps involved, without the intervention of the court. Once all steps have been completed, a judgement shall be rendered based on the Notary’s conclusions and recommendations. It is comforting to be able to rely on  a professional who will listen,  guide and advise you, allowing you to better adapt to these new realities and faciliate the procedural difficulties imposed by law.

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